
Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw His unfailing love from me. Psalm 66:20

My great friend, Ashley, and I will be meeting regularly to pray about any and everything that the Lord brings before us. Prayer is so amazing because you have the opportunity to share what is on your heart with God. The greater part is that you have the undivided attention of the Creator of the universe to listen to you. Talk about VIP treatment! I used to believe that I had to speak eloquently when praying, but I've come to understand that God doesn't want a facade, He wants to hear from me and from you. I encourage you to talk to Him the way you would talk to a dear friend.

It's also encouraging when others pray for you or with you. If you would like us to pray for you, send me an email under the "contact me tab".

Many blesssings!

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