Monday, May 14, 2012

Pierced 4Us

Let me introduce you to my cousin Robbie.

Since my aunt Cindy, Robbie's mom, told me that she was pregnant, I loved this boy! I was eight or nine years old when he was born and I considered him mine. I was convinced that my aunt had him for me. I couldn't leave my aunt's side when she was pregnant with this boy. I went with her to all her doctors appointments, I picked out clothes for him and prepared his room for his homecoming. He was born on Christmas day in 1990.  He came home from the hospital on New Year's Eve. I was so excited! I changed his diapers, fed him and held him like the little baby he was. Now he is a 21 year old man and I still love this boy and still consider him mine. He is a gentle giant and for awhile I called him my big bear, but he's a grown up now so...we call him Bobba! I laugh as I write this. This boy has the biggest, warmest heart I've ever seen in a person. My boys love their Robbie and want to be around him all the time. Robbie felt the Lord calling him to play music. Robbie has since started a band and he named it Pierced 4Us. Robbie is super talented and has big dreams for his band. Did I mention that this boy has courage and strength that can only be sourced from the Lord. His mom, my aunt, passed away almost three years ago. Both at tender ages, my aunt at 39 and Robbie 18. Since he has stepped in to care for his little brother, who was 8 at the time of my aunt's passing. This boy is amazingly humble and I want to share his talents with you.

 Please check out his video, which is a teaser to one of his band's original songs. 


  1. Ashley Nicole :))May 14, 2012 at 4:22 PM

    ahhh!! :)) my bestfriend!! :)) God has so much in store for him :)) i remember his mom from when i was verrrry little and i am convinced that our paths crossed for a reason!! i love my bff :))

  2. I can truly say I understand how you feel that is how I feel about my cousin and he is two months old. Robbie is a big teddy bear lol. He is truly blessed and his mother was a very strong and wonderful woman. Jeremiah 29:11 only our father knows our plans and that is why his band will go far because it is for good and not for evil. God Bless! :)

  3. I can truly say I know exactly how you feel. My cousin is two months old and I feel like he is my son. Robbie is truly blessed and his band will go far because God has his plan for each of us and he is doing it for good and not for evil. Jeremiah 29:11 His mom was a wonderful strong and blessed woman! I know that she is proud of him and his choices!
